Friday, December 18, 2009

Looking at the glass half full... but full of 'what' is the real question.

I woke up last night and felt like I couldn't breathe. Then my arm felt numb. My log tried to comfort me, but nothing worked. I guess I thought I might be having a heart attack, although it was followed by confusion, since I'm pretty thin & a vegetarian! So today I drove into town and saw a doctor....

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving, but not so thankful.

So tomorrow's Thanksgiving. Whoopty-fuckin' doo. Everyone's alive and well, so I assume you think I should be, too. Well, I don't care what you think. I'm in a funk. It doesn't help that my extended family is frying turkeys and I'm a vegetarian.

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rescue Me.

Is it just me or is life stupid? It's stupid good or stupid bad, but either way you spin it - it's stupid. I was watching youtube videos last night out of sheer boredom...

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Management 's stupid.

I never understood why girls go back. I was watchin' this movie last night - Management (spoiler alert - if you care). The one with Jennifer Aniston and Steve Zahn. I know, after The Good Girl, I shoulda probably learned my lesson....

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sexless in Sunshine

Do you think a relationship's over if there's no sex? Today, my friend Cassie made a comment about someone's relationship being "sexless" so she knows there's something "wrong" with their marriage....

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Dead time - can't sleep

I've been waking up at 3am every night and can't sleep. Every time I look at the clock it says 11:11 or 3AM - dead time I believe those ghost hunters call it. Do you know if you multiply 11,111,111 X 11,111,111 it equals 12345677654321. Well, something like that - who's counting... ?

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Friday, August 7, 2009


Cassie asked me tonight if I thought we'd have kids. Well, first we have to have sex, but I didn't mention that. One of the reasons I don't think I'll have kids (besides my obvious fate) is because I can't imagine their contribution to my life....

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Lemons and Assholes

Love doesn't hurt. People hurt. And I'm tired of being that person. Did I give out a hall pass to be an asshole? Seems my log thinks it's PE and I'm the basket - slam dunk!! I walk through the door - I get nothin'....

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Modern day bullshit

All of my modern day TV family heroes have failed me. First it was Hogan Knows Best. I know these shows are stupid, but that's why I like them - mindless entertainment. It takes me away from my own bland reality...

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm not alone, so why am I so lonely?

If you've been reading my posts you know that I goof off a lot out of sheer boredom, speak my frank mind frequently and probably offend random people daily... but today I'm just feeling like what I'd imagine vaginal dryness feeling like....

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm discreet.

Today I was watchin' that 2012 thing on TV, and I thought - what happens if we REALLY all die like that....?

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sudshine of my life

My week was pretty strange. First I had a dream I saw George Bush naked, which would have been traumatic enough. Then I got an influx of rescues... which is normally a great diversion from my sucky log life....

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Friends, really??!

I'm so conflicted right now...

There's all this hype about twitter and facebook. I have a twitter account because I'm bored out of my fucking mind, but wonder if anyone really gives a shit about my day, really. Do they really want to be MY FRIEND? and if so, WHY? I usually don't even care about my day, so why would anyone else...?

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Loving animals right now, not people.

What does it say about me if I like hanging out with animals more than people? I'll tell you what - that I have a brain. They don't disappoint nearly as much....

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Lost in Footloose...?

I thought I was goin' to have a boring night, once again, but I flipped on the tube and low and behold, if it wasn't Mr. Bacon in action - bom diggity doo da- there it was, Footloose....

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

white f'ing turtlenecks!

Today was dumpy for me. I slept almost all day. Usually I try to wait for Sunday to rest, but I came across some old photos and it just made me sad. Seeing the way my family used to be when I was little. We looked so happy....

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Secret Sauce

I've been so emotional lately. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster. I'm bored out of my mind and the worst part about it is I feel like I can't change it. It's always been this way. Me and my dad don't speak much. My best friend smokes dope all day, and my log's like living with a card board box. A very sturdy card board box, I might add. But geez....

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Revolutionary Air Suck Road

Why can't my life be with Javier in Barcelona? Instead I'm in Southpark with a bunch of carrot tops. That shit only happens in movies. If you want to see what Sunshine is really like, watch Revolutionary Road. Minus the 50's clothes, here you have it....

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Busch or bush?

What sounds better to YOU on this wonderfully made up holiday we call - Valentine's day??

As I sit here and write this in my black house slippers with kittens on them, I guess you could say, I'm feeling less than romantic....

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Stupid Secret

Howdy. It's been a shit hole week. I've been sick. Feels like I've got a piece of rolled up sandpaper in my throat. Neat. But I can't help wondering if I'm sick because I'm sick of my log, or just plain sick. I was watching this movie today that my friend, Cassie gave me- The Secret. She thought maybe it'd help me improve my sex life....

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Monday, February 2, 2009

dirty roos

This morning I was picking up my log's dirty roos, folding them and putting them back in his drawer. Then I watched him get out of the shower and put a dirty roo on. Disgusting. I about puked in my mouth. I know it's wrong, but I'm at the end of my nice gal road here.....

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

dumping ground

My boss, Rick, Rick porno stick, has decided to indefinitely LIVE at the motel. I thought it was a temporary thing, but apparently he... likes it? Who would like that set up? His house is ONE room that's separated by ONE door that leads directly into our front desk area at Blue Top....

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Saturday, January 24, 2009


Holy shit hole!! I don't mean to be graphic...but then again, I don't really give fuppidy duck. It's my blog! I decided to surprise my log and give him some southern love (and I do mean SOUTH POLE, if you're still unclear) and I must have REALLY surprised him, 'cause I don't think he's shaved since....

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

get your gnarly tweet on

I found this new craziness online called twitter. I say it's crazy, but I'm soooo addicted.

And I'm seriously having some anxiety lately, but have no idea why....

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

gribbit, gribbit

Fetus - beware. How do you know the person carrying you is really your mother? A friend of Cassie's does this surrogate mother deal...

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New pics of me on myspace!

Don't get too excited. This is when life was, even! I had hope. I miss that time.
Just click on the link above....

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Friday, January 9, 2009

That's stupid.

Geez. Cassie got so mad today. I was just being me, playing around. She texted me and asked what I was doing. I told her it was another glorious day in wonderland, and asked what she was doing. She said her and Damien were picking up some fishing gear and headin' to the lake while her parents were in town and able to watch the kids....

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

domesticated ASS!

I'm really bent over Tom right now. He just chaps my hide sometimes and I want to smack his perfect looking face right off his head! He doesn't hear anything I say, I swear. I TOLD him about this donkey I rescued for the weekend, and he acted surprised when she showed up....

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Star Wars pug

Rescued this little black sweetie today with a tumor on her face. Think she's a little off, but I like it. It's just, her tongue's a little too long for her mouth and one eye ball kinda drifts off when she's lookin' at me. Name's Dartha, after Star Wars I suppose (Darth?)....

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